Discipline Essay There is a quote by Don Spector, “ MOTIVATION STARTS THE CAR and DISCIPLINE DRIVES IT TO SUCCESS. ” Discipline briefly means to abide by the rules and regulations and also to have control in yourself. In another word, discipline stands for perfect obedience to external authority as well. The word that is known as ‘deci’ and ‘ple’ basically means learner by a teacher. Discipline is the thing that keeps each person in control and also motivates a person to get progress in his/her life onwards. The main thing to have a better discipline is to obey all the rules and also to be guided by others to pay due regards to elders and to obey each thing asked by them. We need to behave with them in a very orderly manner. Everyone should follow discipline in his/her life in their own different form. Everyone has their own prospect of showing manners and discipline to others. Discipline is the guide that shows the right path for you to move on for your good and success. It i...